Turandot School’s performance

Cambridge Philharmonic have been working with young people from North Cambridge Academy as part of our quest to share classical music and singing to the wider community. Workshop leaders Suzi Zumpe (lead), John Barber and Hazel Gould have engaged with the young people to develop a mini opera which will be performed at 3.15pm in the main auditorium as a pre-concert event.  The school group will also form the children’s chorus in the main opera performance.

The performance will be created in school workshops, influenced and inspired by the Turandot Opera.  It will last approx. 15 minutes.

We would love as many of the audience members as possible to come and support them, so if you are coming along do arrive early to enjoy this very special performance featuring our next generation of musicians and singers.

This project has been kindly supported by The Pye Foundation and The Garfield Weston Foundation.

Further information and tickets:
