Sat 30th September, 2-5pm
Church of the Good Shepherd, Cambridge
Conductor / Composer: Will Todd
Repertoire: Will Todd’s Jazz Missa Brevis
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to sing with a large, ambitious choir like Cambridge Philharmonic?
Perhaps you used to sing a few years ago, and would like to get back into it?
This is your chance to have a go. Join renowned conductor & composer Will Todd and Cambridge Philharmonic Chorus for an enjoyable afternoon of singing – all voices welcome. This will be an exciting opportunity to develop your singing skills working on Will’s Jazz Missa Brevis as well as collaboratively devise a new choral piece!
Music will be provided on the day but bring your own pencil and plenty of energy! This workshop will take place in our regular Chorus rehearsal venue – hopefully you’ll enjoy it so much you’ll join us as a member of Cambridge Philharmonic. (find out more HERE!)
MEMBERSHIP OFFER If you decide to join the chorus after attending this workshop we will deduct the ticket price off your first year’s membership!
Will Todd is a popular conductor with singers, with an innate understanding of many different genres. He conducts professional and amateur performances all over the world, including as Guest Conductor for St Martin’s Voices. Will regularly leads workshops and sessions for Welsh National Opera and Opera North. He is also well known as a composer and pianist, whose work encompasses choral works large and small, opera, musical theatre and orchestral pieces, as well as jazz compositions and chamber works.
Tickets – £20 per participant (no audience, no concessions). Tickets are sold on a non-refundable basis.
Book online (click on the button below) or by phone 0333 666 3366
Find out more about Will HERE
Listen to Will Todd’s Jazz Missa Brevis HERE
Location Map HERE